Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef

Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef

October 1 - 8, 2022

Cruise Directors: Connie and Brenda

Sheep: Lisa L, Lisa R and Julie

MIA: Peggy and Sue

This is the first time we have been short 2 BVEs on the same trip.  It was just not the same without our Founding Member Peggy and Sue. We visited 3 National Parks and a State Park in a fun and fast paced week. 

Day O - Friday, September 30

Our flights were moved up 3 hours and we were leaving at 6am Saturday Morning.  For that reason, Connie and Brenda left Waterloo around 2 o’clock Friday afternoon and stopped in Ankeny to see Connie‘s son and family. They got to Julie’s a little after 6 PM. We went to GMigs for Dinner and then Julie gave them a tour of her office in Valley Junction.  Back at the house we had a few cocktails and called Lisa Reed who was in it hotel in Minneapolis waiting for her 6 AM flight on Saturday.

Day 1 - Saturday October 1, 2022

The next morning we had to be at the airport before bright and early.  Our trusty drive Dana got up early to drop us off at the airport for our 6am flight to Moab. Our flight was on time into Denver.  We grabbed a quick bite before heading to our next gate to meet with Lisa R. 

The flight into Moab was small plane and Connie got to be the first one to board and here is photographic evidence.  Landing was a bit bumpy and we were told to expect that as it had rained early and was expected to rain again later that day.

We arrived at Moab at 10:30 and quickly got our bags. This was a small airport and the bags were delivered though a hole in the fence.

Brenda and Connie checked in with Enterprise to get the van but since our flight was earlier than expected the van that we had rented was not there. So they gave us a Jeep Sienna to use. It was big enough to carry all of our suitcases, but it was tight for the three Bags in the backseat.  We took it with the understanding that we would get the van when it was availabl.

We drove over to the house and were able to get in early. We unpacked and made a shopping list. Then headed to lunch at the Moab Brewery.

After lunch we headed to the Utah State Liquor Store in Utah the only place to get liquor is in teh state run stores. They were having a sale on Ryan’s Irish cream three dollars off. The sale ended today now that is a BVE moment!

Then we headed back to the airport to exchange the car. We kept trying to call but we were getting busy signals and no answers. We were almost to the airport when Connie got the guy on the phone. He said “wow our phones are working - you’re our first call in 48 hours” we all laughed and said that was a BVE moment. He told us that the car wasn’t there yet but he would find something for us.

We were in the parking lot and he came out to show us a couple cars and which were small smaller than what we had. He said that he was supposed to have a Suburban returned earlier today and the person had shown up yet. Just as we were getting ready to say well we’ll just keep what we have until something bigger pops up. Up drives the woman in this big white Suburban. Another BVE moment.

Next stop was the grocery store.  City Market was a biggest grocery store in town and we bought enough food for most of the week. Thanks to Connie and her organization skills we had a big list and we’re organized in order to get everything we needed.

Then we headed back to the house. We all freshened up a bit and met in the kitchen to make cocktails and head to the lanai for our first toasting time of this trip. We were missing our friends Peggy and Sue so the first toast was to them and we sent them a picture of it.

At 6pm we decided to go in a start dinner.  About 5 minutes later we heard thunder and it just started pouring. Luckily we came in when we did and stayed dry.

Dinner was tomato soup and grilled cheese. We were so tired we skipped the cherry pie and ice cream. Since we had been up since 3:30 CT we made it an early night - lights out around 8:30.

Day 2 - Sunday, October 2

Brenda was the first one up at 6:30 the rest of us slowly got up too. A good nights sleep made us all feel like new women. Breakfast was the egg bake that Brenda and Lisa L threw together last night. It was delicious!!

We took some group shots in the patio area getting some landscape and some of the socks that Lisa R gave us. We may have been doing this for 24 years but we’re even more gorgeous than we were back then. We are like a fine bottle of wine that has aged well. We are not vinegar yet!

Then we packed our lunch and left the house about 10:30 heading to Dead Horse State Park. On our way out of town we stopped at Canyonlands Night and Day. Got a lot of information about four wheeling night cruises and dinners and may book something later.

Our first stop along the way to the park was a lookout for Monitor and Merrimac. These are rock formations that look like the Iron Clad ships from the Civil War.

We checked in at Dead Horse State Park and paid the entry fee of $20 for the vehicle. As the day progressed we realized what a bargain this really was. The park was very nice and we expect it to one day become a National Park. 

The first stop in the park was the Colorado River overlook. We got a couple of group shots at this place. Followed by the visitor center where we had some great overlooks to the Solar Evaporation Ponds. The ponds are to make Potash.

Next, we stopped again at Dead Horse Lookout point. Amazing views at the canyon and the potash refinery. There we met a couple who were on a tour with Gate One. They were wearing lanyards on their neck with name tags and Julie asked them do you think we could get one those lanyards. Brenda had forgotten her lanyard that she normally uses for the car keys. We went to the bus and talked to Sabrina who was the tour group leader she was happy to give Brenda a lanyard and we gave her one of our cards and told her to check our website in a couple weeks to see her picture.

After our hiking it was time to find the perfect picnic spot for lunch. It was about 2 o’clock by this time and we were hungry. There were lots of little picnic tables with shade but we wanted to find the perfect one which of course we did.

After lunch Julie walked a little ways away and saw what she thought at the time was a Jackalope. But it was just the largest White Tail Jack Rabbit she had ever seen. There is no photo documentation but Lisa R did see the blur of the bunny butt so we have proof that it happened.

It was there that Brenda learned the important lesson of not touching the cactus.

We stopped one more time set an overlook of the Colorado river on the horseshoe Bend. It was a great overlook and we found three Iron Man triathletes and they took our group shot and we took group shots of them.  We also took a picture of Brenda taking a picture of Connie taking a picture of Lisa L.

It was starting to look pretty stormy then so we started heading to town. Julie had channeled her inner Peggy and left her tripod on one of the hiking trails. Our first stop once we got to town was a Camera shop where she bought a new tripod for her iPhone. We also stopped in an art gallery and saw some beautiful landscapes. The T-shirt shop we stopped at was having a great half price sale on T-shirts and we got a few bargains.

By the time we came out of the T-shirt shop it was starting to rain and we ran for the Suburban. It was raining hard and hailing on the way back to the townhouse. Thanks to Brenda’s excellent driving we made it home safely.

Connie took one for the team and ran to the house to open up the garage door. Brenda squeezed the suburban into the small garage so that we could all get out and stay dry.

After unpacking and freshening up we met in the kitchen for toasting time. During toasting time we hooked our phones up to the television and looked at the pictures we took.

Connie made her famous and delicious pasta shrimp fettuccine Alfredo for dinner and we got to have our cherry pie with ice cream.

Stayed up talking a bit and we started to head to bed around 10 o’clock.

Day 3 - Monday, October 3

Started out day off right with the hardy bowl of steel cut oats with apples, blueberries and bananas thanks to our chefs Lisa R and Brenda.

At 10 o’clock we left the townhouse and Drove on scenic byway Utah Highway 279.

The first stop was a pull out where we were able to see petroglyphs or ancient art. The petroglyphs were on the rocks right next to the road. We read that these were etched into the stone up to 5000 years ago. And yes Brian they are older than your mother.

Then we continued our journey on highway 279. Just passed the potash mill when the road turned to a gravel rutty path and we decided it was time to turn around at the campground.

On the way back we stopped to see the dinosaur tracks. The trail was not long but it was a challenge. Lots of steep climbing rocks but we got it done with a little help from our friends.

By this time it was about 12 o’clock. We have a 1 o’clock reservation for Arches national park so we started heading that direction. We assumed the position and got our group shot in front of the Arches Park sign.

Then we got in line for the park at about 12:20. We got to the entrance at 12:54 and they let us in. We’re so excited we’re in before our reservation time.  Once we got in the park we took a picture from above of the line to get in the park.

The visitor station was right by the entrance so we stopped in to see what we could learn about the part before we enter. Brenda asked why the black stuff on the rocks were in a park ranger told her they don’t really know what it is but it’s called desert varnish. Later we read inside that it’s a chemical reaction to the iron magnesium in the rock and bacteria.

Once we were done at the Visitor Station we headed to The Windows Section. The Windows Section was going to be closed for road construction starting tomorrow so we wanted to make sure we got to see the sights.

There were three main arches in this area.  The first was the North Window and a little farther south on the trail we saw South Window.  As we hiked to the third arch we looked back and could see the North and the South Arches.  It was here we first met a group of 9 people who graduated from Santa Clara University in 1970 and have been traveling to National Parks together the past 12 years.  

The third Arch in this area was Turret Arch.

We decided we were up to the challenge of 3 mile hike to delicate arch. Brenda had done this trail back in March and told us it was a moderate but doable. We put our trust in her. We started the hike at 3:30 and it was a bit challenging but we just took our time and enjoy the scenery.

We took lots of photos. Brenda Connie and Julie decided to hike out all the way to the arch. We had met a couple on the way up and promised that we would take pictures of each other at the at the arch. So we did that but the time was not the best because the sun was in the wrong spot so the pictures are a little dark.

While we were at Delicate Arch we ate the Snicker Bars that we carried in our packs.  We had the bright idea of getting a picture and trying to get Snickers to sponsor our group.  There is a little camera malfunction and lots of laughs, but no sponsorship.

We finished the hike at 6:30 and by this time we were famished. So we headed to panorama point for our picnic dinner to watch the sunset. Our timing was impeccable.

While we were there We noticed a park ranger was setting up a telescope for a night sky talk. This was a happy little coincidence and we stayed for the presentation. It was great we even got to see the Milky Way, the International Space Station and a shooting star. She had the telescope set up to Saturn and we were able to see the planet and the rings.

Left the park at 9pm and drove back to Moab. Made a quick stop at City Market and were able to park in a spot reserved for senior citizens. Connie found out that she was from the same hometown as the woman who is checking us out.  Filled the car up with gas.

Got back to the townhouse at 10:15 where we quickly got our feet out of our boots and settled in for a toasting time.

Even though we were tired we started talking about future trips. We definitely want to go again next year so that Peggy and Sue can join us and decided that we would involve them in the discussion for the next trip.

Crashed around 12:30.

Day 4 - Tuesday, October 4

Brenda made us a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausages. After we ate we left the townhouse around 10:19.

We stopped at the Red Cliffs Lodge and looked around a little bit.  We we met one of the cooks who was leaving for the day. He was a wealth of information and told us about a movie being filmed nearby and the Fisher Towers that we should go see.

There was a Movie Museum at Red Cliffs Lodge that told the history of movies made in this area.  It really started when John Ford and John Wayne started making movies here.  It might be best know for Thelma and Louise when they drove their convertible over the cliff.  They have even renamed the area to Thelma and Louise Point.   As we drove through we understood why movies are made here, it is quite majestic and gorgeous.

We had heard earlier that Kevin Costner was in the area filming a new movie.  The closed movie set was just down the rode.  There was a big NO TRESPASSING sign but we thought we could still stop and see what’s happening. Brenda parked near the entrance and here comes to security guards. They looked pretty tough and were pretty sure they would to kick us out. But we used our BVE charm and had a great conversation with them found out it was just a mayonnaise commercial.  We knew it was time to leave when they put on their tough faces! 

A little ways down the road on our way to Fisher Tower we saw a wagon train and thought wonder if that’s a movie set so we pulled off  and took our picture with Kevin Costner. You can’t really see him but we know he’s in the background somewhere.  We learned on line later that Kevin Costner was filming "Horizon" and we plan to see it together when it comes out.

We drove on to Fischer Towers and after a short ways decided not to actually hike it since we didn’t have our hiking boots or walking sticks. But we did get a good photo op and it was very beautiful there.

The plan was to go  back to Red Cliff Lodge and have lunch but no good options available to sit outside so we headed back to town. The road back to town followed the Colorado River and we stopped and watched three rafts go through a series of rapids.  This brought back our trip to Canada and we wished Sue was here with her nail file.

We had lunch a the food truck park.  This was nice little area just off the main street with about 8 food trucks and lots of tables in the shade.  It was really fun eating out there.

After lunch we did a little shopping. Picked up a few books and T-shirts.  We found the quilt shop but it was closed. We went to an outfitter store but it wasn’t the one that Lisa R though it was, but was a BVE moment and they were having a great sale.  Connie, Lisa L and Brenda got hiking pants for 70% off.

Then we grabbed another bottle of rum for the house and walked back to the car.  Made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things and filled the car with gas for tomorrow. We got back to the house around five unpacked the car and got comfortable and then had toasting hour on the lanai.

Connie was the chef of the night and grilled some delicious hamburgers with toasted buns and salad.  After dinner we looked at pictures and share the group shots and headed for bed around 11.

Day 5 - Wednesday, October 5

The plan was to leave at 9 AM today and head to Canyonlands. We started getting up around seven and ate leftovers for breakfast. 

In amazing BVE fashion we left the house at 8:57.  A whole 3 minutes early!

A little ways out of town Brenda noticed that the low tire light alert came on the vehicle. In true BVE fashion there was a service station just a quarter mile past our turn to Canyonlands so we stopped and got the air pressure checked. But there was something wrong with the stem of the tire and it wouldn’t read the tire pressure.

So we decided to go to the airport to see if Enterprise could help us out. But there was noone at the Enterprise desk.  Then we found a woman who worked at the airport.  She said should would help us out and escorted us to a hanger.  There she and other man helped us with the tires.   Brenda figured out that the tire sensors were not re-calibrated once the tires were rotated so we were looking at the wrong tire.  The tires were fixed we left the airport at about 1020. Back on the road to Canyonlands.

We stopped at the Canyonlands sign just before the park entrance.  The sun was in the wrong place for a great picture, but we did out best.  It was cold and windy and we moved quickly so we could get back in the car. 

There was a line to get into the park.  We arrived at the visitor center 11:12. We got our park stamps and watched a short and informative video about the park .  The park is divided into 3 sections by the Colorado and Green Rivers.  Our visit was in Island in the Sky.  We did not make it Needles or The Maze.

Across the road from the Visitor Center was a scenic over look and we took another Group Picture.  We just couldn't get enough of the views in this park.

We drove to upheaval dome and arrived at 12:15. It took us three laps through the parking lot for us to get a parking spot.. We took the short trail to upheaval dome grabbed a couple of pictures and we’re back in the car at 1:15.

Our next stop is Whale Rock. Due to time constraints we just took a quick picture at the base of a hiking trail and went onto the next stop.

Stopped at an overlook and took a picture of the majestic valley below. We met a couple from Minnesota on their 40th anniversary and we took their picture they took ours.

The next overlook is Green River Overlook.  The was a great view of the Green River running though the canyon.  It's hard to image that this whole area was underwater 240 million years ago.

By this time it was 2:30 and we were getting hungry and headed to the Picnic Area between Green River Overlook and Grand View Point.  All of the picnic tables were full, but that didn't stop us.  We found a group of rocks with a great view and settled in for a delicious lunch.  It was the prettiest view for lunch we had in a long time.

We arrived at Grandview point around 3 o’clock. The hike is along the edge of the canyon.  The views were just amazing we’ve all commented about how it makes us seem so small and so thankful and we just had a feeling of a gratitude all day.  Along the way we kept meeting people we had seen earlier in the week including the group from the Class of 70 at Santa Clara University and some hikers we met on the Delicate Arch Trail.

We got back to the car little after 5pm, filled up our water bottles and headed to Mesa Arch.  Mesa Arch was a short 30 minute trail. The Santa Clara University Class of 70 National Park Group was at the trail head when we started. When we got to the arch we took pictures of them and they took pictures of us. We told them to check our website by the end of October and see their picture.

We were back to the car about 5:45 and headed back to Moab.  We were back in town by 6:30. We stopped at the post office so Connie could mail her postcards to her granddaughters. And another stop at Gearheads Outdoor Store to see their 100,000 items of inventory. It did not disappoint even if Julie didn't get her Fishing Shirt.

We were back at the house about 7:30 and we started dinner prep and showers. Had a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast and Caesar salad.  The rum was frozen solid so the toasting time was delayed a bit as we thawed it out. Looked at pictures and headed for bed about 10:30.

Day 6 - Thursday, October 6

We planned to leave at 8am to head to Capital Reef National Park which is 2 1/2 hours away.  This is a bonus 3rd park for the trip as we didn't think we would be able to fit it in, but we made it happen!  We had a hearty breakfast of steel cut oats and toast and left the house at 8:10.  Filled the car with gas before leaving town as there are no services near the park.

We stopped at the park sign and took a group shot.  The Visitor Center was 9 miles down the road.  The parking lot was full and it took a bit to find a spot.  We even had a young couple in a pick-up cut us off as we were backing into a spot and take it from us.  Brenda was too nice to rear end them and we eventually got a better spot.

This park is on the honor system and did not have a ranger entrance to pay the fee to get in.  Since we had a Senior Life Time Pass we didn't have to pay a fee.  We got our Park Stamps and looked through the Visitor Center for a bit. 

The first stop was Panoramic Point.  It was a short hike up to a look out.  This is were Lisa L helped us stretch our muscles asfter the long drive and led us in a rousing yoga class. 

The next stop was Gooseneck Point.  This was a short .1 mile one way climb to a scenic overview .  It was very beautiful and an easy hike. Brenda (who is part mountain goat) and loves to climb on rocks was warned on this trail to stay away from the edge of the cliff.

Right next-door was Sunset Point.  This was another short 1/3 of a mile one way hike.  Again, we saw a beautiful overlook.  At the end of this trail was a large rock that we climbed up to get another group shot.  We couldn't set the camera up far enough away to show the climb we took to get to the top.

It was 1 o’clock when we got down and we were going to head to the picnic area but we looked over and there were these amazing rocks in the shade and we decided to have lunch there and avoid the crowds at the picnic area.

After lunch we headed to the Hickory Bridge Trail. The Santa Clara group had highly recommended this trail.  The Ranger said it was easier than the trail we did at Delicate Arch so we decided to do it. We started the hike at 2:11 and were told it was about a two hour hike so it works well with their timeframe.

On the drive into the park Lisa L noticed these large black rocks scattered throughout the landscape.  We learned while we were in the Visitor Center that these volcanic rocks that moved into the area in debris flows

This was a fun hike with great views.  There were some challenging ups and downs and some sandy rocks but well worth the effort once we got to Hickman bridge. We ask people on both sides of the bridge if they would take our group shots and they gladly did.

We got back to the suburban around 4 o’clock and headed back to Moab.  We arrived in Moab about 6:00 and made a quick stop at the Adventure Store so Lisa could get a shirt she saw earlier in the week. Then we headed to the grocery store to get a jar of sauce and a bag of balls to make another spaghetti dinner tonight.

We got back to the house around 6:30.  In our haste to get our boots off and get back in the house, Julie forgot to move the seat forward so Lisa L could get out of the back.  She was trapped in the back of the Suburban when it was locked up.

Everyone got busy prepping for dinner taking showers.  Dinner was ready about 45 minutes later and we realized that Lisa L was not in her room.  We looked everywhere for her including under her bed, the lanai, back patio and even looked in the driveway and down the street thinking maybe she went for a walk. We were really starting to get worried when Brenda called her. Lisa said my seat buddy forgot to let me out. I’m locked in the car. 

We ran out to the suburban and yep there she was waiting for us to let her out. We’ve been doing these trips for 24 years and this is the first time we’ve lost a BVE.  When we asked why she didn't holler or call us she said she wanted to see how long it would take for us to miss her.  Later she decided that she would kick up a fuss if it ever happened again.

We had dinner looked at pictures shared pictures I had some toasting time and headed to bed about 1030.

Day 7 - Friday, October 7

People started getting up around 7am.  Lisa R was busy packing as she had to leave early to attend Ski Patrol Training back home.  We had breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast and left the house at 9:30.  We drove to the airport and said our good-byes to Lisa R with a group hug. 

Left the house at 9:30 to take Lisa R to the airport. Said our goodbyes and gave her hugs.

We had planned to go back to Arches after dropping off Lisa R.  When we got there the sign said the park was full and check back in 3-5 hours.  So we looked for a Plan B.

We went to Lyons Park, which is a city park in Moab.  We walked across the scenic bridge that crossed the Colorado River.

We decided to drive back towards Red Cliffs and hike to the Dewey bridge,  We had tried to do this the day we went to Red Cliffs, but ran out of time. We have been told that the bridge was only six or 7 miles down the road but we turned around at mile 12 and did not find it.  We decided that this was not the Dewey bridge but the "do we really exist bridge".  Later Brenda found out if we had gone one more mile we would have been there.

We were back at the entrance to Arches at 12:15 and the sign still said the park was full come back in 3 to 5 hours.  So, we drove into town to go to the information center to see if they could recommend a plan C for us. We asked about why the park was closed and they explained it was because the parking lots were full. They said that there’s a good chance that it would open around 1230 and while we were there the park was opened. So we headed back to get in line to get in.

We made a quick stop the visitor center to get stamps and use the bathroom.  We were starting to get hungry and decided the first stop would be for lunch.

We had driven this way earlier, and we knew what to look for this time.  There are lots or rock formations.  Two we saw were 3 Gossips and The Sheep.  

We were hungry and scoured the landscape for an area of rocks were we could have lunch.  Ended up at the beginning of the trail to Balance Room.  It was a great place for lunch until the Fire Ants came out to join us.

After lunch we went a little further down the road and stopped at the Fiery Furnace Viewpoint.

The next top was Sand Dune Arch.  When we get there there were two busloads of children at the beginning of the trail head.  Luckily for us they had just finished the trail. It was loud and chaotic while they were there.

This was one of our favorite arches.  It was a hot day and this arch was between cliffs nice and shady with a sandy bottom.  The Arch and colors were very beautiful.

Then we drove to Devils Garden. This is where we took the trails to Tunnel Arch and Pine Tree Arch. Tunnel arch was the first one we came upon.  As we were walking towards it, we kept trying to see where it was but as we came around the corner and looked to our right there was a hole in the wall that we were walking around. This is where we met two women from Canada who were driving a Sunseeker motorhome.  One of them has been doing trips with a group of friends for 25 years.

A little further down the trail we saw a Pine Tree Arch and took photos on both sides of the arch.  We walked just a ways past it and ran into a lot of deer scat and tracks. We could’ve used Peggy and her scat knowledge.

Just a little past Pine Tree Arch we saw another arch that we assumed was Landscape Arch in the distance.  We left Arches at 4:30 and headed back to Moab.

Got back to town and stopped at Dewey’s Bar and Grill. Lisa wanted to get a T-shirt for her son Jeff Dewey plus she had a taste for a Bloody Mary. We had our little happy hour and then we did a little shopping in town before heading home.

Got back to the house around 6:30 and started cleaning up and pre-packing. Did our final picture viewing and sharing during our toasting time.  Cleaned out the fridge for dinner.

Headed to bed about 10:30.

Day 8 - October 8

We started getting up around 7am and took turns for the showers and packing. We had out final clean out the fridge breakfast. And left the house by 9:15. Gassed up the Suburban and headed to the airport. The flight was on time at 11:30 and was turbulent free. Arrived in Denver at 12:30. We had a five hour layover until our flight at 5:30. We found this great little sitting place outside near gate B7. It was great to be outside and we we stayed until the flies started driving us crazy.

At 3:30 we went to Aviators for lunch and then back to our gate for our flight to Des Moines. The flight was on time and we arrived back in Des Moines on time at 8:15. Grabbed an Uber to Julie’s house, and then Connie, Brenda and Lisa headed home.

And as all good things have to end. The Trip was official complete.

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